Prome AI: Review, Pricing, Alternatives, Pros & Cons

Prome AI Review, Pricing, Alternatives, Pros & Cons

In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence and creative design, Prome AI emerges as a formidable contender, offering an array of features that cater to the needs of architects, interior designers, product designers, and game animation enthusiasts.

This article will take an in-depth look at Prome AI, exploring its features, pricing options, and viable alternatives. Let’s embark on this informative journey!

What Is Prome AI?

PromeAI is an innovative platform powered by artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on assisting and enhancing creative design processes.

Prome AI is Best Design tool and offers a wide range of AI-driven tools and features tailored to meet the needs of creative professionals across various fields, including architecture, interior design, product design, and game animation.

The name “Prome AI” is derived from a combination of “Pro” and “Me,” symbolizing the aim to empower individuals with the capabilities of artificial intelligence to elevate their creative work.

Prome AI aims to simplify and enrich the creative process, allowing users to achieve stunning results with greater ease and efficiency.

Key features and offerings of Prome AI include:

  • Extensive Controllable AIGC (C-AIGC) Model Style Library: PromeAI provides access to a diverse and customizable library of AI-generated styles and models, allowing users to apply various artistic and design styles to their projects.
  • AI-Driven Design Tools: PromeAI offers a suite of AI-powered design tools that cater to different creative needs, such as sketch rendering, image conversion, background manipulation, and more.
  • Flexible Pricing Plans: PromeAI offers a range of pricing plans, including both free and paid options, to accommodate users with different requirements and budgets.
  • Support for Various Creative Disciplines: The platform is designed to serve professionals in fields like interior design, architecture, e-commerce design, and game animation, providing tools that can be tailored to specific industries.
  • Technical Support and Collaboration: PromeAI offers technical support for users and opportunities for business collaboration, allowing professionals to leverage the platform’s capabilities effectively.

Prome AI aims to bridge the gap between human creativity and the capabilities of AI, enabling users to bring their creative ideas to life more easily and efficiently.

Whether you’re an architect, designer, or creative professional, PromeAI offers a suite of AI-driven tools to enhance your creative work.

Prome AI in Action: Solutions Offered

PromeAI caters to various industries, including:

  • Interior Design
  • Architecture Design
  • E-commerce Design
  • Game Animation

Unleashing Creativity with Prome AI

Prome AI empowers creative minds by providing an extensive set of AI-driven design tools.

Whether you’re designing interiors, crafting architectural marvels, running an e-commerce business, or venturing into game animation, PromeAI has the tools you need to bring your vision to life.

Understanding PromeAI Pricing

Monthly Pricing

Prome AI offers a range of pricing tiers to suit different needs:

  • Free: This entry-level plan is perfect for those who want to dip their toes into the world of Prome AI.
    • Generous 200 relaxed generations per month
    • Access to a wide range of rendering styles
    • Preview results can be downloaded
    • Limited styles
    • Use history available
    • Private assets and data security
    • 48-hour customer support
Prome AI - Monthly Pricing
  • Base ($19/month): The Base plan provides:
    • Unlimited relaxed generations
    • 300 fast generations per month
    • Unlimited access to all listed tools
    • Unlimited use of 1733+ sketch rendering styles
    • Unlimited use of all modes and styles
    • Unlimited use of higher-quality renderings
    • Unlimited HD results
    • 24-hour customer support
  • Standard ($39/month): This plan is the most popular choice and includes:
    • Unlimited relaxed generations
    • 1000 fast generations per month
    • All features available in the Base plan
    • Commercial licensing
  • Pro ($79/month): For those who demand the best, the Pro plan offers:
    • Unlimited relaxed generations
    • 3000 fast generations per month
    • All features from the Standard plan
    • Downgrade to Standard plan anytime
    • Commercial licensing

Yearly Pricing

For those looking to commit to a year of creative excellence, PromeAI offers discounted yearly pricing:

Prome AI - Yearly Pricing
  1. Base ($16/month billed yearly at $192/year)
  2. Standard ($29/month billed yearly at $348/year)
  3. Pro ($59/month billed yearly at $708/year)

Showcase of Prome AI Tools and Products

Let’s explore some of the standout tools and products offered by PromeAI:

#1 Sketch Rendering

Prome AI revolutionizes sketch rendering, allowing you to transform your sketches into stunning creations effortlessly.

Prome AI - Sketch Rendering

Whether you’re an interior designer, architect, or game developer, PromeAI offers a wide range of rendering styles to suit any project.

#2 Creative Fusion

With Creative Fusion, you can blend structural and artistic creativity, creating unique and astonishing artworks. This feature goes beyond style transfer, giving you complete control over your artistic ideas.

#3 Photo to Sketch

Transform your photos into stunning drawings with Photo to Sketch. Choose from a variety of styles to create drawings that capture the essence of your design.

#4 Erase & Replace

Erase and replace elements in your photos seamlessly, generating beautiful and realistic AI images. This tool is a time-saving magic wand for photographers and graphic designers.

#5 Image Variation

Image Variation benefits professionals in design-related roles, enabling them to generate multiple product design variations quickly. Creative agencies, website designers, concept artists, and game designers can all leverage this tool to enhance their work.

#6 AI Supermodel

Upgrade your product images with AI-generated models and backgrounds. Enhance diversity and representation in your fashion brand’s marketing materials with realistic models for all sizes, genders, and ethnicities.

#7 Background Diffusion

Simplify object cutouts and background replacements with Background Diffusion. Describe your desired background, and watch as PromeAI accurately detects and extracts objects.

#8 Outpainting

Prome AI -Outpainting

Extend your image beyond its borders with Outpainting. Create expanded images with fine details and various aspect ratios quickly and effortlessly.

#9 Design Ideas

Struggling for design inspiration? PromeAI’s design ideas explore features that have you covered. Browse countless design ideas, customize them to fit your vision, and say goodbye to designer’s block.

#10 Text Effects

Elevate your text with stunning effects using Text Effects. Whether for presentations, social media, or personal messages, this tool adds depth and creativity to your words.

#11 Relight

Enhance image lighting with Relight. Adjust ambient light, introduce point lights, and fine-tune color, depth, brightness, and distance settings with ease.

#12 AI Visual Chatbot

Experience the harmony of human creativity and artificial intelligence with PromeAI’s AI painting robot. Elevate your artistic journey with intelligent painting solutions.

#13 AI Image Generation

Transform your text into breathtaking AI-generated images. Witness the magic of text-to-image AI and unleash your creativity.

How Does Prome AI Work?

PromeAI uses advanced AI algorithms to analyze and transform creative content based on user preferences.

It recognizes design styles, applies them to user-generated content, and offers real-time previews for adjustments.

Users can enhance, modify, and optimize their content using the platform, making it a valuable tool for creative professionals.

Prome AI Pros and Cons

Pros of Prome AI:

  • AI-Powered Creativity: PromeAI leverages AI to enhance and streamline the creative process, offering a wide range of design tools and styles that can significantly boost productivity and inspiration.
  • Ease of Use: The platform is designed to be user-friendly, allowing creative professionals and enthusiasts to access powerful AI tools without requiring extensive technical expertise.
  • Diverse Style Library: PromeAI offers an extensive library of design styles, from sketch rendering to artistic effects, giving users the flexibility to explore and experiment with various creative looks.
  • Real-Time Previews: Users can see real-time previews of their content with applied styles, enabling them to make immediate adjustments and fine-tune their designs.
  • Customization: PromeAI allows users to customize and control the degree to which AI styles are applied, giving them creative control over the final output.
  • Time Savings: The platform can save significant time in tasks such as sketch rendering, image conversion, and design exploration, allowing professionals to focus on other aspects of their projects.
  • Flexibility in Pricing: PromeAI offers a range of pricing options, including a free plan, making it accessible to a wide audience with varying budgets.

Cons of Prome AI:

  • Dependence on Internet Connection: PromeAI operates online, which means users need a stable internet connection to access and utilize its features. Offline functionality is limited.
  • Learning Curve: While designed to be user-friendly, some users may still need time to become proficient with the platform’s various tools and features.
  • Subscription Costs: While there is a free plan, the more advanced features and higher usage limits come with subscription costs, which may not be suitable for all users.
  • Privacy and Data Security: Users may have concerns about the privacy and security of their creative content, as it needs to be uploaded and processed on PromeAI’s servers.
  • AI Limitations: While powerful, AI is not infallible, and there may be instances where users don’t achieve the exact results they desire, requiring additional manual adjustments.
  • Competition: PromeAI faces competition from other AI-driven design platforms, and users may want to explore alternatives to find the one that best suits their needs.

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Prome AI Alterntives?

Here are some PromeAI alternatives for various creative purposes:

  • Deep Dream Generator: For surreal and artistic image transformations.
  • Runway ML: A versatile creative toolkit with AI models for multiple creative domains.
  • Artbreeder: Blend and modify images to create unique artwork.
  • Landman AI: Landman AI is an innovative platform focused on automating and streamlining tasks related to land management, particularly in the oil and gas industry.
  • Lumen5: Quickly turn text into engaging video content.
  • PaintsChainer: Automatically colorize line art and sketches.
  • VQ-VAE-2: A more advanced AI model for image generation and manipulation.
  • Designify: Simplify web design with AI-generated website designs.
  • GauGAN (NVIDIA Canvas): Turn brushstrokes into realistic landscapes in digital art.

These alternatives offer various AI-driven creative solutions to cater to different artistic and design needs.


PromeAI is a powerful tool that empowers creative professionals to bring their ideas to life.

With its extensive feature set and flexible pricing options, it’s a valuable addition to the toolkit of architects, designers, and artists across various industries.

Is there a free plan available for Prome AI?

Yes, Prome AI offers a free plan with certain limitations, including a monthly cap on generations.

Can I cancel my subscription anytime?

Yes, all Prome AI plans, including paid ones, offer the flexibility to cancel anytime.

What is the difference between the Base, Standard, and Pro plans?

Each plan offers varying limits on relaxed and fast generations, as well as additional features like commercial licensing and 24-hour customer support.

Is PromeAI suitable for professional designers?

Absolutely! Prome AI caters to professionals in interior design, architecture, e-commerce, and game animation, providing them with powerful creative tools.
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